Friday, June 13, 2008

It must be summer

It's warming up, all I want to do is drink and lay in the grass, graduations are must be summer!

In honor of this, I'm posting yet another polyvore layout...I promise I will be back soon with my own beautiful outfits to show you, but I'm in the midst of moving and all of my clothes are packed!

This summer, I think all I'm going to do is sew my own clothes and work out. A-may-zing.

Thursday, June 12, 2008

I'm feeling really angsty today. Yesterday was a shit day and unfortunately, I'm letting it spill over into today.

This, I think, would be a stylish way to show how fucking pissed you are at the world. Unlike what I'm wearing, which is the same jeans I've been wearing for a week and a letter sweatshirt. Yeah.

This isn't bad, either. Though it's very high school.

Sunday, June 1, 2008


I do apologize for the lack of posts recently. I've been dressing pretty lamely, to be honest, and haven't felt like posting said lame outfits. However, last night I styled an outfit out of someone else's closet:

The skirt is from Forever 21. Megan bought it a few days ago and told me she couldn't think of what to wear with it, so I made this from her own closet.

Alternately, Polyvore has an image of the skirt, so I came up with a spread for that:

There are two options: a less dressy one and a more dressy one. The shirt is Mint Jodi Arnold and the long-sleeved coat is Milly, two labels I have major lust for. And lo and behold, both pieces are beautiful.

Maybe I'll post some of my own clothes soon. Maybe not.